Development of a Community Management Model to Enhance Community Mental Health Literacy for the Saraburi Province Health Network

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Nittaya Pakamalee
Yodchai Suwanawong
Saowalak Nakchamnan


          Mental health literacy is essential for the quality of life of individuals and communities. Promoting mental health literacy within communities requires an appropriate process that involves the participation of all stakeholders. The mixed-methods research aimed to develop a community management model to enhance Community Mental Health Literacy for the Saraburi Province Health Network. The study was divided into three phases and conducted from September 2023 to August 2024. The sample consisted of 492 participants, including experts, experienced practitioners, and members of mental health networks in Saraburi Province. Research tools included semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, a manual for implementing the community management model, structured observation records, and focus group discussions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, postal surveys, participatory observations in pilot areas, and focus group discussions. Data analysis utilized descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and content analysis.
          The results found that the community management model for enhancing mental health literacy includes two concepts, three principles, three objectives, seven development processes, and three evaluation methods. Factors supporting the success of this model include a strong volunteer network, the use of technology and community communication, the involvement of community leaders, and support from both the public and private sectors. The overall model demonstrated significant benefits and feasibility for implementation at a satisfactory level. Following the testing of the model, over 50% of participants reported awareness of mental health communication activities within the community, collaboration among networks in mental health initiatives, and progress in addressing community mental health issues. Feedback from the three pilot areas was consistent.   
          Recommendation, The Saraburi Provincial Quality of Life Development Committee should adopt this model as a strategy to promote the integration of collaboration within the health network concerning knowledge and resources. This approach aims to enhance community awareness, knowledge, and skills related to mental health, thereby effectively preventing and addressing mental health issues in Saraburi Province.

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How to Cite
Pakamalee, N. ., Suwanawong , Y. ., & Nakchamnan, S. . (2024). Development of a Community Management Model to Enhance Community Mental Health Literacy for the Saraburi Province Health Network. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(12), 638–656. retrieved from
Research Article


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