Development of academic achievement in literature of students in Mathayom 3 using a set of learning activities using the Open Approach teaching method. Sanambin School, Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1

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Arinda Bannawongsa


          This research is classroom action research. The objectives are 1) to develop the academic achievement in literature of Mathayom 3 students before and after school (2) to compare the results of the basic national test (O-NET) in the Thai language subject, Standard Th 5.1. of Mathayom 3 students and (3) to study students' opinions on learning management. Using a set of activities to learn about open teaching methods. The target group used in this study is Mathayom 3/2 students at Sanambin School Under the jurisdiction of the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, Khon Kaen Province, Semester 1, academic year 2019, there were 32 students drawn from simple random sampling. The tools used in the study consisted of (1) a set of 15 literature learning activity plans (2) a 30-question literature and literary achievement test (3) a report on the results of basic national educational testing.  (O-NET) Thai language subject, Standard Th 5.1, Mathayom 3, academic year 2019 (4) Questionnaire on satisfaction of Mathayom 3 students with learning management using open methods. And statistics used in data analysis are finding the mean, standard deviation (S.D.), percentage, and t-test.
          The results of the study found that
           1. Develop academic achievement in literature. Before and after studying, it was found that the academic achievement in literature after studying of students who studied Using a set of learning activities using open teaching methods was significantly higher than before class at the 0.05 level.
           2. The results of the basic national educational test (O-NET) in the Thai language subject, Standard Th 5.1, of Mathayom 3 students found that the results of the basic national educational test (O-NET), learning subject group Thai language standard T 5.1 from the original 2018 academic year had an average score of 55.50 points, increasing 20.83 percent to an average score of 67.06 points in the 2019 academic year.
          3. The results of the study of students' opinions on learning management found that in the overall picture of literature learning management using this open teaching method learning activity set, there was an average of 4.69 and Standard deviation of 0.58 means the results are at a very good level.


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How to Cite
Bannawongsa, A. . (2024). Development of academic achievement in literature of students in Mathayom 3 using a set of learning activities using the Open Approach teaching method. Sanambin School, Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(8), 574–590. retrieved from
Research Article


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