Planning and Budgeting Decision Support System Design of Klang-wiang Sub-district Municipality, Wiangsa District, Nan Province

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Nisakorn Wicha
Pojjana Pichitpatja


          This study aims to design a decision support system for planning and budgeting for the Klang Wiang Subdistrict Municipality, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province, and to develop a method for managing the decision support system for planning and budgeting for the Klang Wiang Subdistrict Municipality, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province. The system is designed to aid local administrators in decision-making regarding plans and budgets, to be used for planning and improving the efficiency of the organization's management. Currently, the reporting of local development plans and budget tracking and evaluation results is done in the form of documents, which leads to outdated information that cannot be immediately reported to local administrators, causing delays in using the data to support various decisions.
          In designing the system, the researcher used interviews with four target groups: local administrators, department heads, policy and planning analysts, and operational staff in each relevant department. The interviews focused on the system's format requirements, planning and budget information needs of the local administrators and system users for decision support.
          The study on designing the decision support system for planning and budgeting for the Klang Wiang Subdistrict Municipality, Wiang Sa District, Nan Province, found that the decision support information can be divided into planning data and budget data. System access is restricted to municipal personnel with access rights defined according to job positions to facilitate data viewing. Data entry in the system is assigned to relevant operational staff for speed, accuracy, and up-to-date information entry. The system's output format will be presented in the form of charts, graphs, and statistical figures, with non-redundant data to allow administrators to immediately understand the information. The system is user-friendly and not complicated.

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How to Cite
Wicha, N. ., & Pichitpatja, P. . (2024). Planning and Budgeting Decision Support System Design of Klang-wiang Sub-district Municipality, Wiangsa District, Nan Province. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 272–287. Retrieved from
Research Article


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