National Policy : Efficiency of Transport and Logistics Services

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Supranee Leesiriroj
Chot Bodeerat


          The efficiency of transportation and logistics services is an important part of developing the country's economic system, especially competitive advantage. Therefore, the country's policy must accelerate the improvement of the logistics system, both land, water and air, to be efficient by using modern technology and innovation, linking activities and key factors that will lead to success, whether it is planning transportation and logistics services in all 7 steps, giving importance to supply chain management at the strategic, tactical and operational levels to create a management system for producing, delivering and distributing products that meet the needs of manufacturers and consumers, as well as creating good relationships and having the same purpose between suppliers, manufacturers and consumers safely, with quality and maximum satisfaction as service recipients.

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How to Cite
Leesiriroj, S., & Bodeerat, C. . (2024). National Policy : Efficiency of Transport and Logistics Services. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 564–579. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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