The Happiness Management in the Digital Age of Personnel in Thai justice

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Prangthip Mangthanee
Theerapon Vinidwattanakomol
Rungnapa Sritapanya


          The rapid changes in the digital age are impacting work processes, behaviors at work, and happiness at work. The objectives of this research were to study (1) the problems of working in the digital age of personnel, (2) the motivation that leads to happiness at work, and (3) the happiness management at work in the digital age of personnel in Thai justice. The method of qualitative research was used, and a key informant selection was purposive random sampling with a total of 24 persons. Data were collected from academic documents, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The instruments used were a semi-structured interview form. The content was analyzed and synthesized, and information was presented in a descriptive form.
         The results of research were as follows:
        1) A study of the problems of working in the digital age of personnel in the Thai justice personnel have problems adapting to using new technologies at work, lack of equality in the workplace, and unable to maintain a work-life balance.
        2) A study of motivations that lead to happiness at work among personnel in the Thai justice found that maintaining work-life balance, equality in the workplace, and receiving appropriate compensation were motivations that led to happiness at work.
        3) A study of the happiness management at work in the digital age of personnel in the Thai justice found that the dimensions of psychological capital and emotional quotient contribute to employees' greater happiness at work.
        The knowledge of happiness management at work in the digital age of personnel can be applied to develop policies and create happiness at work of personnel for sustainable benefits in maintaining the personnel and increasing organizational efficiency.

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How to Cite
Mangthanee, P. ., Vinidwattanakomol, T., & Sritapanya, R. . (2024). The Happiness Management in the Digital Age of Personnel in Thai justice. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 115–128. Retrieved from
Research Article


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