Guidelines for Managing Agricultural waste Project

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Bunyarit Samosorn
Kampanart Wongwatthanaphong


          This article aims to propose guidelines for managing agricultural waste. Currently, Thailand has economic crop plantations throughout the country. Most farmers' primary goal is to increase production by accelerating the growth of economic crops, allowing for multiple harvests within a single year. They often achieve this through poor management practices, such as burning agricultural waste, which is a simple, convenient, quick, and low-cost solution. Specifically, the open burning of sugarcane leaves, rice stubble, straw, and maize stubble as animal feed has emerged as a major contributor to haze and PM2.5 particulate pollution. This article provides management principles for effectively utilizing agricultural waste after harvesting. The goal of this suggestion is to assist farmers in minimizing production expenses and enhancing the value of agricultural waste. Additionally, it promotes the development of natural resources and environmental rotation, generating options for transforming agricultural waste into products that enhance their value and are appropriate for each region in Thailand. Furthermore, it facilitates the effective use of agricultural waste as a key resource across various industries and bioenergy sectors.
         Successfully enhancing the value of agricultural waste requires collaboration across diverse sectors, including government agencies, local administrative organizations, the private sector, and the targeted group of farmers. The operation methods should be tailored to the unique context, challenges, and needs of farmers in each region, providing them with viable and sustainable options to boost their household income.

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How to Cite
Samosorn , B. ., & Wongwatthanaphong, K. . (2024). Guidelines for Managing Agricultural waste Project. Journal of Modern Learning Development, 9(9), 628–641. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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