Identity, Beliefs and Rituals of Thai People of Khmer Descent in Dong Noi Subdistrict, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao Province
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This research aims to study the identity, beliefs, and rituals of the Thai people of Khmer descent in Dong Noi Subdistrict, Ratchasan District, Chachoengsao Province, as well as the process of identity transmission and the persistence of beliefs and rituals within the community. This study is qualitative, using in-depth interviews participant observation, and non-participant observation. The key target groups include individuals knowledgeable about the community’s history, beliefs, identity, and those directly involved in the important rituals that the community practices and upholds.
The research results found that the beliefs and rituals of the Khmer Thai people in the Dong Noi community have beliefs and faith in performing rituals. Each ritual is anchored by a central spiritual focus, namely, the ancestor spirits, field spirits, and rice paddies spirits, which are believed to help protect, nurture, and assist in ensuring success. These beliefs are manifested in rituals such as the San Don Ta ritual (ancestor worship), the San Preah Phumisra ritual, the San Kar ritual, the divination ritual, and the Jong Dai ritual. The study also found that, amidst the changing social conditions over time, the duration and complexity of the rituals have been reduced, and Buddhist cultures have been incorporated into the ceremonies. However, beliefs and faith in the ancestor spirits remain a primary, an essential element, and continue to be firmly preserved through the kinship bonds of community members who perform the rituals together.
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