The Impact of Developing English Conversation Skills through the Communicative Language TeachingMethod (Clt) With Exercicese for Prathomsuksa 3 Students
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The purpose of this research were 1) develop a lesson plans for developing English conversation skills using the CLT teaching method with exercises for Grade 3 students 2) study the results of The impact of developing English conversation skills through the communicative language teaching method (CLT) with exercises for prathomsuksa 3 students. 3) study the satisfaction of students towards developing English conversation skills through the communicative language teaching method (CLT) with exercises for prathomsuksa 3 students. The research sample consisted of Grade 3 students studying in the second semester of the 2024 academic year at Wat Khlong Pho Municipal School, consisting of 1 classroom and 30 students, selected by purposive selection. The research instruments were 1) 5 lesson plans, 15 hours 2) English conversation skills assessment form 3) a questionnaire on satisfaction to after using lesson plans for developing English conversation skills through the communicative language teaching method (CLT) with exercises. Analyzed data using basic statistics, mean, standard deviation, and percentage.
The research found that 1) the results of the evaluation of the appropriateness of the plan were at a high level, with an average score of 4.54.
2) the results of the evaluation of English conversation skills found that students had an average score of 83.20 points, which was higher than the specified criteria of 80 percent, and 3) students were most satisfied with the learning management, with an average score of 4.85.
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