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Kittiya Khunarak
Manoch Nanthaprom


               The objective of the academic article was to study the authoring techniques and Buddhist concepts in the morality-oriented alternative novel “Rak An Ta Rai” (Dangerous Love), written by Norrarat Rakdee. The literary analysis techniques and concepts, based on structuralism and Buddhism, were used as the conceptual framework to study six components: 1) Reality – the reality was found in the contemporary language usage in terms of English transliterated words (Borrowed words) in the description or the dialogue. 2) Roles – main actor and actress, including significant characters, were characterized by gentleness and politeness without weakness. It reflected the dynamics of those characters on the situations concerning the cultural surrounding context of Thai people in the past. 3) Idealism – the significant characters were found to develop the countryside with knowledge on farming and cropping. The rural waste land was changed into the complete source of agricultural crop production. 4) Setting -  the setting was described in detail to have the readers  profoundly understand the novel’s crux. The idiomatic explanation was used to illustrate colorful images reflecting the emotions and surroundings of the rural area. 5) Style – the specific writing style and art was remarkably used to demonstrate reality, beauty and calm.  6) Buddhist Concept – the Buddhism-oriented concept conveyed the Buddhist principles: belief in Karma (the law of action) and transmigration. Besides, historical story in the Buddha’s period was found to entertain the readers in the literature and the principle of living life.

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How to Cite
Kunarak, K., & Nanthaprom, M. (2022). AUTHORING TECHNIQUES AND BUDDHIST CONCEPTS IN NORRARAT RAKDEE’S MORAL NOVEL OF “RAK AN TA RAI”. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 8(1), 119–131. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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