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Jedsada Mahakhort
Maneeya Surat


               The objectives of the research article were (1) to study the relationship between factors affecting the career success of senior professional level teachers (K3 teachers) under Buengkan Provincial Education Office, (2) to study factors affecting the career success of K3 teachers under Buengkan Provincial Education Office, and (3) to construct the predictive equation of the career success of K3 teachers under Buengkan Provincial Education Office. The research samples were 200 K3 teachers under Buengkan Provincial Education Office, selected through the stratified random sampling. The research instrument used for data collection was the measurement of career success. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (Pearson’s correlation), and multiple regression analysis.

               The results were as follows:

               1) The predictor variables correlated with the career success of senior professional level teachers (K3 teachers) under Buengkan Provincial Education Office were the organizational climate (X3) at the correlation equal to 0.661, the social support (X4) at the correlation equal to 0.562, the family status (X2) at the correlation equal to 0.367 and the personality (X1) at the correlation equal to 0.295. When analyzed the correlation coefficient between the predictor variables and the career success of K3 teachers, the range of the correlation coefficients was between 0.295 - 0.562. The factor most highly correlated with the career success of K3 teachers was the organizational climate (X3), followed by the social support (X4) and the family status (X2), respectively. The factor most lowly correlated with the career success of K3 teachers was the personality (X1).

               2) The analysis result of factor affecting to the success in career of K3 teachers in the Buengkan Provincial Education Office. It was found that the family status (X2), the social support (X4), the organizational climate (X3) and the personality (X1) were able to predict the career success of K3 teachers at a statistically significant level of 0.01. The multiple correlation coefficient (R) was 0.903. The coefficient of prediction () was 0.812. The standard error (S.E.est) was 0.267. The overall variables could predict percentage 81. and the coefficient predictor variable of raw score (b) of family status (X2), social support (X4), organizational climate (X3) and personality (X1) was 0.254, 0.243, 0.238 and 0.201, respectively. The coefficient predictor variable of standard score (Beta) was 0.538, 0.459, 0.319 and 0.285, respectively, and there was a constant of predictor equation of the raw scores was .359. The equation was written in raw scores and standard scores below as follows:

               Equation in raw score

                    Y' = 0.39 + 0.201X1 + 0.254X2 + 0.238X3 + 0.243X4

               Equation standard scores

                    ZY' = 0.285ZX1 + 0.319ZX2 + 0.538ZX3 + 0.459ZX4

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How to Cite
Mahakhort, J., & Surat, M. (2022). FACTORS AFFECTING CAREER SUCCESS OF SENIOR PROFESSIONAL LEVEL TEACHERS (K 3 TEACHERS) UNDER BUENGKAN PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE . Journal of Srilanchang Review, 8(1), 73–87. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jslc/article/view/256752
Research Article


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