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Phrakrupalad Chakkapol Siridharo
Pim-on Sod-ium
Boonchuay Siriket


               The objectives of the research were to study the moral and ethical level of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srilanchang Campus students, and to study the students’ satisfaction with moral and ethical development of MBUSLC students. The population of the research was a total of 94 MBUSLC freshmen, enrolling in Meditation Practice during the first semester of the academic year 2563; 76 research samples were totally selected through Taro Yamane’s sampling method and the stratified random sampling. The instruments used for data collection were 1) the questionnaire on morality and ethics of MBUSLC freshmen, 2) the survey on remembered morality and ethics, and 3) the survey on morality and ethics required for development. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.


               The findings of the research were as follows: 1) The morality and ethics, required for development by the MBUSLC freshmen, comprised of (1) orderliness, (2) responsibility, (3) honesty, 4) toleration, (5) loving-kindness, (6) sacrifice, and (7) gratitude. 2) The moral and ethical level of MBUSLC students was found to be overall at a high level (x̅ = 3.97, S.D. = 0.170). Separately considered in the descending order, honesty was found to be at a high level (x̅ = 4.34, S.D. = 0.075), followed by sacrifice (x̅ = 4.27, S.D. = 0.094), toleration (x̅ = 3.99, S.D. = 0.055), gratitude (x̅ = 3.86, S.D. = 0.157), loving-kindness (x̅ = 3.85, S.D. = 0.236), orderliness (x̅ = 3.74, S.D. = 0.143), and responsibility (x̅ = 3.71, S.D. = 0.254), respectively. 3) The satisfaction of MBUSLC students with moral and ethical development for students was found to be overall at a high level (x̅ = 4.00, S.D. = 0.447); the satisfaction of MBUSLC students with the Meditation Practice subject was found to be overall at a high level (x̅ = 4.00, S.D. = 0.168), the satisfaction of the students with weekly praying activities was found to be overall at a high level (x̅ = 3.99, S.D. = 0.098), and the satisfaction of the students with the moral and ethical development project B.E. 2563 was found to be overall at a high level (x̅ = 3.96, S.D. = 0.145)

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How to Cite
สิริธโร จ., Sod-ium, P.- on, & Siriket, B. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF MORALITY AND ETHICS FOR STUDENTS OF MAHAMAKUT BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY, SRILANCHANG CAMPUS. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 7(2), 89–106. Retrieved from
Research Article


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