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Pirot Meephuwiang
Sathit Kromthong


The objectives of the academic article were to demonstrate the characteristics of Buddhist teachings on equality, the development of democratic equality in the council of Buddhist monks, so-called Sangha, and the Buddhist teachings on equality in the Tipitaka. The documentary research was conducted by reviewing the concepts, theories, and research documents on the political principle of equality in the Tipitaka. The research results revealed that the characteristics of Buddhist teachings on equality were involved with the principles and guidelines on development of city people’s lifestyle along with the democratic way of life. It was found significantly consistent with the Buddhist teachings. From past to present, Buddhism focused on development of the state citizens. Literally, the principle of equality was initially developed in Buddhism during the Buddha’s time. In the first period of Buddhism propagation, the Buddha himself allowed the people to be monks in Buddhism. Later, a group of monks was allowed to make a person a monk. This was regarded as equality in Buddhism. The principle of equality in the Tipitaka was referred to impartiality or something contradictory to discrimination, which meant any action under the social rules, regularities, and norms. In the third condition of walfare (Aparihāniya-dhamma), appropriateness, stressed by the Buddha, was referred to acceptance of what was improper and inappropriate to Thai society.

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How to Cite
Meephuwiang, P., & Kromthong, S. (2021). POLITICAL EQUALITY IN TIPITAKA. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 7(2), 215–227. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jslc/article/view/258472
Academic Article


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