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Suchart Pimpan
Winai Thongphubal
Saman Asawapoom


               This article is a part of the research on the strategy for arts and culture sustainable preservation at Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster Rajabhat University. Its purpose was to study the context of sustainable arts and culture preservation of the Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster Rajabhat Universities and to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of sustainable arts and culture preservation of the Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster Rajabhat Universities. The research method used was a mixed-method. The Key information target group was 20 people, including the Director, Deputy director of the Office of Arts and Culture of Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster Rajabhat University, Provincial Culture of Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster. The research instruments consisted of an in-depth interview and a SWOT assessment form. The data was analyzed using content analysis and average. The research results revealed as follows; 1) The Context of Sustainable Preservation of Arts and Culture of Nakhon Chaiburin Cluster Rajabhat Universities involved three parts; the mission of preserving arts and culture, the internal environment, and the external environment. 2) The analysis of SWOT reveals that the strengths are very low, with an average of 1.47. The Weaknesses (W) Weaknesses are very low-level, with an average of -0.95. The opportunities are low, with an average of 2.28 and the threat level was very low, with an average of -1.83.

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How to Cite
PIMPAN, S., Thongphubal, W. ., & Asawapoom, S. . (2022). THE SUSTAINABLE ARTS AND CULTURE PRESERVATION OF NAKHON CHAIBURIN CLUSTER RAJABHAT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 8(2), 43–59. Retrieved from
Research Article


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