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Sasithorn Mankrathok


The purposes of this research were to study 1) conceptual framework related to private school management according to the concept of innovative organization 2) the current state and desirable of private school management according to the concept of innovative organization 3) the improvement of private school management strategies according to the concept of innovative organization. The study used a mixed method research design. The sample were 452 public schools participated with school administrators and teachers. The instruments used in this were an evaluation form of the conceptual framework, questionnaires, and an evaluation from to assess the appropriateness and feasibility of these strategies. The data analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNImodified, and content analysis.

            The results showed that:

  1. The conceptual framework for the private school management consists of three areas: 1) planning; 2) implementation; and 3) evaluation, while the innovative organization framework consists of six areas: 1) innovative organization of structure; 2) innovative organization of leadership; 3) innovative organizational of culture; 4) innovative organizational of climate; 5) innovative organizational of creative behavior; and 6) innovative organizational of entrepreneurship

  2. The current state of private school management according to the concept of innovative organization, the aspect with the highest average value was innovative organization of structure. While the desirable state of private school management according to the concept of innovative organization, the aspect with the highest average value was innovative organizational of culture.

  3. Private school management strategies according to the concept of innovative organization consists to six main strategies: 1) reinventing the structure organizational of private schools to become innovative school; 2) development innovative leadership for personnel of private schools to become innovative school; 3) reform the organizational culture of private schools to become innovative school; 4) promote climate of private schools to become innovative school; 5) enhance creative behavior for personnel of private schools to become innovative school; and 6) drive entrepreneurship of private schools to become innovative school, with 18 sub-strategies and 51 procedures.

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How to Cite
Mankrathoke, S. (2023). PRIVATE SCHOOL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ACCORDING TO THE CONCEPT OF INNOVATIVE ORGANIZATION. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 9(2), 113–129. Retrieved from
Research Article


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