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Kokkanok Pengsing


                    The purposes of the research were to study current conditions desirable conditions and needs of risk management in school, to study guidelines of risk management in school and, and to assess guidelines of risk management in schools. The study was divided into three phases. The first phase was the study of current conditions, desirable conditions and needs of risk management in schools. The sample consisted of 64 school administrators and 188 teachers, selected by using Krejcie and Morgan table, including the stratified random sampling. The instrument was the rating scale questionnaire. The second phase was the study of school risk management guidelines, comprising two steps; the first step of data collection from three school administrators by the in-depth interview, and the second step of data collection from nine experts by the focus group discussion. The third phase was the assessment of school risk management guidelines by five experts by the questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of frequency distribution, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and the modified priority needs index (PNIM). The descriptive analytics was used for the qualitative data analysis. The results of the research revealed that the current condition of risk management in the schools under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was totally found at the high level (x̅ = 3.78, S.D. = 0.62). The desirable condition was totally found at the highest level (x̅ = 4.84, S.D. = 0.37) and the modified priority needs index in the descending order were 1. Risk Identification (PNImodified = 0.293), 2. Risk Management (PNImodified = 0.285), and 3. Risk Assessment (PNImodified = 0.280). The other finding disclosed that the guidelines on school risk management comprised four compositions. The first risk identification consisted of three  methods, four activities/projects and four practices. The second of risk management consisted of three methods, four activities/projects and four practices. The thire risk assessment consisted of three methods, four activities/projects and four practices. The fourth risk monitoring and evaluation consisted of three methods, four activities/projects and four practices. Another finding was the evaluation of school risk management guidelines by five experts. The overall result was at the highest level (x̅ = 4.92, S.D. = 0.19). Individually considered in the descending order, they were the utility (x̅ = 4.99, S.D. = 0.03), the feasibility (x̅ = 4.89, S.D. = 0.25), and the propriety (x̅ = 4.87, S.D. = 0.30), respectively.

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How to Cite
Kokkanok Pengsing. (2023). GUIDELINES FOR RISK MANAGEMENT OF SCHOOL UNDER LOEI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 9(2), 25–41. retrieved from
Research Article


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