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Techatat Paksangkhaney
Phramaha Vichian Dhammavajiro
Taweesak Khaibut
Pradit Srinonyang
Phrakhru PariyatiSathorn


               The objectives of the research were (1) to study the level of integrity of primary school students under Loei Municipality, (2) to indoctrinate the integrity, based on the Buddha’s teachings in Rahulovada-sutta, to primary school students under Loei Municipality, (3) to assess the Rahulovada-sutta-based indoctrination of integrity to the primary students, and (4) to survey the student satisfaction with the Rahulovada-sutta-based indoctrination of integrity. The research population was a total of two-thousand students in four primary schools under Loei Municipality, 334 research samples were selected through Taro Yamane’s sampling size calculation formula, including the stratified random sampling and the simple random sampling. The research tools used for data collection consisted of fifteen four-choice questions on integrity, the five-level rating scale questionnaire on the student attitude, and the five-level rating scale questionnaire on the student satisfaction. The focus group discussion was used to draft and develop the RAHULA model. The statistics used for data analysis comprised the frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research findings were as follows: 1. According to knowledge and understanding of the primary school students under Loei Municipality, the morality of integrity was found to be totally at a moderate level, considered from their scores of 50% on integrity, and their attitude on integrity at the highest level, including their negative attitude on integrity at the highest level. 2. The RAHULA Model, composing Reading, Attempt, Honesty, Understanding, Love to learn, and Aspiration, was drafted and developed to indoctrinate the morality of integrity to primary students under Loei Municipality. 3. After the moral indoctrination, the assessment of the students’ understanding of integrity was found to be higher, considered from their scores of about 70%, and their attitude was clearly found. Their positive attitude demonstrated mean scores at the high-highest levels; their negative attitude revealed the moderate-lowest levels of mean scores. 4. The student satisfaction with the Rahulovada-sutta-based indoctrination of integrity was found to be totally at the highest level (x̅ = 4.84, S.D. = 0.367). Separately considered in the descending order, they were the time (x̅ = 4.86, S.D. = 0.348), the location (x̅ = 4.86, S.D. = 0.351), the lecturer (x̅ = 4.83, S.D. = 0.378) and the content (x̅ = 4.82, S.D. = 0.384), respectively.

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How to Cite
Paksangkhaney, T., Dhammavajiro, P. V., Khaibut, T., Srinonyang, P., & Phrakhru PariyatiSathorn. (2023). MORALITY INDOCTRINATION OF RAHULOVADA-SUTTA-BASED INTEGRITY FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS UNDER LOEI MUNICIPALITY. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 9(2), 99–111. retrieved from
Research Article


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