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Tatcha Panneng
Jagraval Sukmaitree


          This academic article’s objective is for some knowledge about the extents of the local infrastructure development for prosperity or betterment of the existence in a systematic way.  Humans as a development center are the most important element.  If humans do not exist, development hardly happens.  Besides, development principles or methods are steps or processes for people to participate in the local resource management for the most benefits in their area, and to solve concretly their own problems efficiently and effectively.

          The Thai local development is a guideline for operations of the related agencies, including people or  local communities for mutual collaborations.  Characteristically, local developments have similar nature or different contexts.  They depends on environments, economics, societies, politics, geographical conditions, culture, traditions, and lifestyle of people in the areas.

          Then, the infrastructure development of the Thai locals is public services for satisfying their needs and the local community. This development is a process consisting of these elements: procurement, planning, implement, maintenance, development, improvement, transportation, roads, public water resources for utility and use, including water system, and electricity. The Thai local infrastructure has three public utility components: water, electricity, and transportation.

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How to Cite
Panneng, T., & Sukmaitree, J. (2024). INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE THAI LOCALS. Journal of Srilanchang Review, 10(1), 129–140. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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