The assessment of awards to local governments: Types and suggestions for Thailand

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Supasawad Chardchawarn
Sikarn Issarachaiyos


     There are various types of evaluations for awards given to local governments both in Thailand and abroad based on different criteria. This research aims to study and review types awards and criteria used for evaluating local government’s eligibility for awards. Additionally, this study offers some suggestions of guidelines and criteria for local government awards in Thailand. The research utilizes qualitative research methods, particularly documentary search and in-depth interviews of experts in the field of local government.

     The study shows that there are at least two types of assessment for the local government awards. These include 1) awards based on local governments’ key functions and responsibilities, that is, the provision of public services, and 2) awards
based on the capacity and performance of local governments, which normally correspond with the mission or vision of agencies that give the awards. As for Thailand, a combination of both types may be suitable given the required esponsibilities and the missions of the awarding agencies.

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How to Cite
chardchawarn, supasawad, & issarachaiyos, sikarn . (2020). The assessment of awards to local governments: Types and suggestions for Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 17(1), 75–99. Retrieved from
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