Publishing ethics guidelines
Ethics guidelines concerning articles published in the King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal

       King Prajadhipok’s Institute is determined to uphold a high standard of ethics in its publications. To this end, all people involved in the publication of articles in the King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal must follow the ethical principles described in the following guidelines.
Editorial ethics
       1. Articles considered for publication must be accepted or rejected on the basis of the guidelines of the journal, without any bias regarding the content of the article or the identity of the author.
       2. Articles will be considered and reviewed to conclude whether their content is appropriate and relevant, and complies with the KPI Journal’s requirements.
       3. Authors will be given freedom of expression in accordance with academic principles and accuracy of academic work will be maintained.
      4. There shall be no material connection between the author and any senior experts who reviews the article, in order to avoid giving rise to conflict of interest commercial or personal.
      5. Should not write articles for publication in your own journal or participate as a reviewer to evaluate articles for publication in your own journal
      6. The editor will not make any changes to an article’s content or the evaluation results submitted by senior experts who review the article.
      7. The processes and procedures of the journal will be strictly followed in a straight-forward manner and editorial’ freedom to opinions will be protected.
      8. The standards of the KPI Journal will be maintained and developed to be high quality and up-to-date.

Authorial ethics

      1. The author's name that appears on the article must be that of the person who actually wrote the article.
      2. Any article submitted for publication. must have never been previously published a writing that has never been published in any journal, and must not currently be submitted for publication in any other journal.
      3. The author must strictly follow the content framework and other requirements when submitting any article for publication.
      4. Authors must not present the writings academic not bring the writings of others as their own or copy other people's writings; all quoted or referenced materials used in an article must be properly identified and acknowledged. to honor and refer to the person or source of information used in their writings.
      5. Authors must respect academic opinions and be willing to revise the submitted article according to the suggestions of senior expert’ reviewers. suggestions who review the article
      6. If an article was written with any financial support., it is necessary to disclose the funding sources. If the article is part of the research findings, there must be the research’s reference include.
      7. The author agrees to transfer copyright of the accepted article to the KPI Journal prior to the article being published.

The Senior expert reviewer ethics

      1. A senior expert must have knowledge and expertise or experience in relevant to the subject of the article so that conclusions regarding acceptance or rejection of the article can be made with fairness and academic principle.
      2. Do not take personal bias of the writings or the author.
      3. Articles must be reviewed in a timely manner, in accordance with the timeline’ requirements of the KPI journal.
      4. Do not take personal benefit from the writings acquired for consideration.
      5. Reviewer will give the editor objective recommendations whether articles reviewed should be published in the KPI Journal.

Ethics in Human Studies

      The articles which authored or developed from research projects should be certified for an appropriate research protocol in human studies, along with reasons that ensure credibility, trustworthiness, and the proper protection of participants' rights and well-being throughout the research project.