Expanding the Role and Mission of Judicial Affairs to Local Administrative Organizations: Proposals, Guidelines and Scopes of Mission

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Orathai Kokpol


     This study aims to analyze the potential and feasibility of expanding the role and mission of the Ministry of Justice to local administration. Proposals, models, and guidelines are presented for the cooperation between the Ministry of Justice and local administrative organizations in line with the mission and diversity of local administrative organizations. Pilot projects to prepare for the expansion of the roles and mission of the Ministry of Justice to local administration include qualitative research and demonstration experiments in four pilot areas.

     The results of the study show that the mission of local government organizations has a high potential of carrying out the following missions of judicial affairs: 1) prevention and surveillance; 2) legal education and advice; and 3) conflict management/conciliation. The following missions of judicial affairs also have a medium-level potential of carrying out by the mission of the local government organizations: 1) justice services; and 2) rehabilitation and correction. Regarding the way to strengthen cooperation, the potential problems are examined by proactively inviting all of the stakeholders to collaborate and by working with the local government agencies. There are four steps in the guidelines: 1) conducting informal meetings and appointing working groups; 2) organizing practical meetings to create joint plans; 3) establishing memorandums of understanding to put the plans into practice; and 4) conducting work evaluations.

     The scope of the mission on MOUs includes: 1) prevention and surveillance with information networks, a database of juvenile groups at risk, and campaign activities for the groups at risk; 2) legal education and advice, justice services, general law knowledge/ advice, protection of rights and freedoms, forensic science service, video conferencing service for online visits to juvenile corrections facilities, and offenders’ relief after release; 3) conflict and reconciliation in some potential cases such as civil cases, juvenile cases, and general cases; 4) rehabilitation and correction both before and after release to reduce the risk of reoffense as well as to support the offender after the release. 

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How to Cite
kokpol, orathai . (2020). Expanding the Role and Mission of Judicial Affairs to Local Administrative Organizations: Proposals, Guidelines and Scopes of Mission. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 15(2), 21–48. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/244101
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