Liberalizing the Thai Service Sector: Implications for Law Revisions in Compliance with the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services

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Pawarit Lertdhamtewe


     Liberalization of trade in services is one of the primary objectives of ASEAN Economic integration, as suggested by the United Nations group of experts. The ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) sets out the minimum substantive standards, covering all categories of service activities, mandating all ASEAN member states to comply with its agreement. Thailand, as one of ASEAN member states, is bound by its obligations under AFAS to liberalize its service sectors. The overall objective of this article is to examine Thailand’s obligations under AFAS, as well as the related legal regime. The study aims to offer policy recommendations for further improvements in Thailand’s legal framework, thereby fulfilling its commitments under the ASEAN Economic Community.

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How to Cite
lertdhamtewe, pawarit . (2020). Liberalizing the Thai Service Sector: Implications for Law Revisions in Compliance with the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(1), 50–71. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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