Soldiers’ Political Participation

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Pichit Ratchatapibhunphob


     The objectives of this research were as follow. 1) To study characteristics of soldiers’ political participation. 2) To analyze and compare the level of soldiers’ political participation according to various demographic and socio-economic characteristics: age,educational background, income, rank, and period of employment;. 3) To identify variables affecting the level of soldiers’ political participation. 4) To identify the most significant variables affecting soldiers’ political participation. 5) To study the directional relationship among variables affecting soldiers’ political participation. The sample group for this research consisted of 278 soldiers of the 1st Infantry Battalion, 11th Infantry Regiment, King’s Own Bodyguard in Bang Khen Area. The data collection tool used in this research was a questionnaire. The data analysis was undertaken using a statistical software program for finding the percentage, mean, standard deviation, One - way ANOVA,
Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.

     The result of this research revealed that soldiers’ political participation was found to be moderate. When all factors were considered, listed by descending order of mean score they were personal factors, political environmental factors, psychological factors,and political participation. Personal and socio-economic factors had statistically significant relationship with soldiers’ political participation at the level of .05. The variables that directly affect soldiers’ political participation ,listed in descending order, were motivation of emotion (Beta = 0.421), soldier’s rank (Beta = -0.421), pay attention to political news (Beta = 0.152), and motivation of values (Beta = 0.095). The positive variables affecting the level of soldiers’ political participation were motivation of emotion,pay attention to political news, and motivation of values, while the negative variables was rank. 

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How to Cite
ratchatapibhunphob, pichit . (2020). Soldiers’ Political Participation. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(1), 99–120. Retrieved from
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