In remembrance of The the Royal Grace of King Rama 9 and His Majesty’s Patronage for the Thai Red cross society

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Tej Bunnag


     This article was written to recall the kindness of His Majesty King Rama 9 as a patron of the Thai Red Cross Society

     His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej followed the royal wishes of his royal ancestor by playing an important role in giving full support to Thai public health and nursing. His Majesty devoted his strength, wisdom, and personal finances to performing his royal duties for the benefit of the people with kindness and empathy. As the Chairman and Royal Patron of Thai Red Cross Society, His Majesty had mercy in healing the patients and those who needed help. Although His Majesty had a lot of royal duties, he devoted himself for the work of the Thai Red Cross Society which brought about the benefits for all in the fields of medicine, public health, assistance for victims of disaster, blood donation services, and the improvement of Thai people’s quality of life.

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How to Cite
bunnag, tej . (2020). In remembrance of The the Royal Grace of King Rama 9 and His Majesty’s Patronage for the Thai Red cross society. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(3), 81–90. Retrieved from
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