Creating Balance of Power in the Parliament: The Synthesis and Suggestions for Thailand’s Parliamentary Reform

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Stithorn Thananithichot


     This research synthesis paper reviewed and discussed critical debates and ideas regarding the structure of the parliament and the process of the recruitment of parliamentary members. The main attempt of this review and discussion is to recommend the possible and appropriate solutions in creating a balance of power in the Thai Parliament. Relying on research findings obtained from two projects supported by the King Prajadhipok’s Institute, this paper suggests that a bicameral system, in which members of the House of Representatives elected from a mixed member system while Senate came from a variety method of popular recruitment, is the most suitable form of the Parliament for Thailand’s current political context. However, in order to improve the performance of the parliamentary members and establish a balance of power in the Thai Parliament, new mechanisms for monitoring and control of the exercise of the power in the Parliament corresponding to public interest and legal measures to promote the development of political parties are also required.

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How to Cite
thananithichot, stithorn . (2020). Creating Balance of Power in the Parliament: The Synthesis and Suggestions for Thailand’s Parliamentary Reform. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 13(1), 28–47. Retrieved from
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