The Impact from Association of South East Asian Nations on Decentralization Policies in Thailand

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Attakrit Patchimnan


     Research project, called “The Impact from Association of South East Asian Nations on Decentralization Policies in Thailand”, has been applied the concept of regression analysis to determine the feasible approach for institutional design under decentralized policies in Thailand. The results of institutional design under trade integration can be concluded as following: 1) the lower price under the domestic political stability enhances the benefits of the trade integration and 2) the competitive market structure by setting the tax efficiency can increase movement of capital and labors under trade integration. Therefore, the benefits of the institutional design associated with trade integration reflect the effective public policies, such as designing the federal and local government under the appropriate electoral systems indicating the economic and political  development.

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How to Cite
patchimnan, attakrit . (2020). The Impact from Association of South East Asian Nations on Decentralization Policies in Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 11(3), 52–76. retrieved from
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