Research on Opinions on Sustainable Grassroot Economic Development Policy
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The objectives of the research on opinions on sustainable grassroot economic development policy are to conduct research on opinions on sustainable grassroot economic development policy and to propose guidelines on promoting sustainable grassroot economic development. The research is conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods on community-based groups operating on processed agriculture, on community tourism and on community agriculture. The research results are as follow: 1) research on opinions on sustainable grassroot economic development policy has found that 1.1) external factors affecting success include community culture and current events such as economic-driven activities, community culture promotion; 1.2) internal factors affecting success include community leaders and community capitals; 1.3) process of operation includes sustainable awareness communication, building community-based knowledge and knowledge promotion for development; 1.4) operation output includes community relationship, more income, income distribution within the community and community members are happy; 2) guidelines on promoting sustainable grassroot economic development which are 2.1) promoting external factors including development and promotion policy from public sector agencies, research and development on culture, promoting knowledge and economic-driven activities; 2.2) promoting internal factors including innovation development, knowledge promotion and economic-driven activities; 2.3) promoting process of operation including sustainable awareness communication and promoting knowledge for utilization; 2.4) setting operation output goals including creating jobs, creating income, promoting community relationship, strengthening community economy and community members are happy; 2.5) methods on creating motivation including course on knowledge and skill building, promoting group formation and networking, and creating community-based product identity.
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