The Evaluation of Suppression of Human Trafficking Operations Under the National Security Strategy A Case Study of the Anti – Trafficking in Persons Division

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Natchapat Amorngul
Preechaya Nakfon


This article aims to present the result of an evaluation of operations of the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division (ATD) under the National Security Strategy, and to make recommendations to improve the national strategy. This research employed both qualitative method by analyzing reports and papers and interviewing personnel of the ATD, and quantitative method by means of questionnaire surveys from 113 executives and officers in the ATD and another 400 to ordinary people. The findings of this research were that the duties of the ATD were backed up from both external and internal consensus, such as international agreements, legal framework, national policies, and operational mechanisms, which has supported this organization to have a clear responsibility that has helped enhance the performance and confidence of the personnel in the organization. In order to support and promote the potential of the ATD’s performance for the national strategy, public relations should be improved by providing knowledge and understanding of human trafficking as well as the obligations of the TPD. There should be an increase in the budget, tools and instruments as well as technology that are used in the TPD, so that the organization can better effectively perform its complicated task.

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How to Cite
Amorngul, N., & Nakfon, P. (2021). The Evaluation of Suppression of Human Trafficking Operations Under the National Security Strategy : A Case Study of the Anti – Trafficking in Persons Division. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 19(2), 5–22. Retrieved from
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