Pluralistic Social Networking to Combat Fraud and Corruption in Thai Society: Roles and Policy Recommendations for Action

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Nipapan Jensantikul


The objective of this article is to elucidate corruption in Thai society, present a potential role for pluralistic social networking in combatting corruption, and provide policy recommendations. Data were gathered from secondary sources in order to understand the phenomenon of corruption and its connections to the Thai social context, and a content analysis was conducted. The analysis found that there remains a high level of corruption in Thailand, and that corruption occurs in a variety of forms. The writer thus recommends pluralistic social networking, which is a response that combines a new public service orientation emphasizing citizen participation and area networking to, identify diverse players who can help combat fraudulent and corrupt activities. These players include youth and community representatives, as well as representatives from educational institutions, mass media, non-profit organizations, local government organizations, local districts, and the private sector. Three policy recommendations are presented: 1) A legal response should determine clear liabilities and penalties for corrupt activities, and laws should be reviewed in order to ensure that they are enforceable in an effective and appropriate manner according to current conditions. 2) Priority should be given to freedom of the press and people’s participation so that the media is allowed to present the news, opinions can be expressed as long as human rights are not violated, and people’s participation is encouraged in order to achieve participatory politics. 3) To promote good governance and transparency, all departments should enhance good governance, increase clarity of practice, and simplify the legal framework to reduce discretion and emphasize transparent management.

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How to Cite
Jensantikul, N. (2022). Pluralistic Social Networking to Combat Fraud and Corruption in Thai Society: Roles and Policy Recommendations for Action. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 20(1), 192–208. Retrieved from
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