The Application of 4M in the Prevention of Coronavirus Disease - 2019 of Local Administrative Organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province.

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Alongkot Sarakarn


The objectives of this research aims 1) to study the application of 4M in the prevention of coronavirus disease – 2019 in local administrative organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province 2) to compare the application of 4M in the prevention of coronavirus disease – 2019 in many levels of local administrative organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The research uses both methods research, quantitative research which collects 201 samples, and qualitative research which includes an in-depth interview from 5 stakeholders.

The study of the application of 4M in the prevention of coronavirus disease – 2019, from 20 questionnaires, finds that the application of 4M is on “medium level” skill ( =3.20, S.D.=0.56). Mostly, there are a fair use. However, there are some difficulties on the application. The result from the compare the application shows that a view on the application from local government officials who work in many local government organization’s level is on the same perception. On the contrary, the work’s experience of local government officials, a view on the application is different with statistically at 0.05 level. As qualitative method shows that 1) Man factor, during outbreak, the local government officials lack of knowledge and understanding of disease prevention.There are inadequate local government officers to perform for disease prevention. Moreover, local government organizations do not basically have public health’s knowledge development plan. 2) Money factor, most of local government organizations are small level and have a limit budget for public health. However, during the prevention process, the pandemic’s problem can be fixed in eventually. 3) Materials factor, the main obstacle is an unclear on the rule of procurements in the early stage. Nevertheless, there are guidelines from central authority to assist the problem. Lastly, 4) Management factor, there is a great command level from the provincial and district authority. These command provide strictly information and strongly perform on working group. The research suggests that 1) Man factor, there should have frame human resource development plan to enable local government officials to apply knowledge from theories and application for public health. 2) Budget factor, there should produce manuscript to facilitate for all. 3) Materials factor, there must be aware of materials to apply and check for updating the quality of materials. 4) Management factor, there should promote knowledge of prevention through more communication channels. Finally, database of the application should be stored in the same source.

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How to Cite
Sarakarn, A. (2023). The Application of 4M in the Prevention of Coronavirus Disease - 2019 of Local Administrative Organizations in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 20(3). Retrieved from
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