Decision-Making Model and Response to Crisis of Local Administrative Organizations in Upper Northern Thailand. Case of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.

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Jariya Koment
Chalermchai Panyadee


The objectives of study aims 1) to study the process, operational decision-making model, and response to crisis of local administrative organizations in case of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic 2) to study the factors and conditions which support to the operational decision-making processes and crisis response and 3) to propose a policy recommendation on operation procedure and decision-making process of local administrative organizations in case of crisis situation. The research uses mixed methods both of quantitative and qualitative research. The 103 samples are local administrative organizations in Upper Northern of Thailand. The research tools are questionnaires and in depth-interviews. The data analysis uses descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, and content analysis. Research results are as the followings:

Normally, the local administrative organization works closely to local people. The response to crisis condition of COVID-19 pandemic of the local administrative organization had never happened. Once this happens, it impacts on people lives which cause to the quality defect and investigation on process. According to the study, it is evidence that most of the decision-making (70.9%) from local administrative organizations are done by chief of local government organization (mayor/executive chief officer). This is an appropriate way to take an action on crisis in terms of rapidness. However, there are some errors. On the other side, decision-making process which made by a group such as a committee, and local council made more prudent action but time’s consuming point. However, all forms of decision-making results have a similar process which begins with finding information in order to make a decision-making.

This research shows that there is a significant factors between the capabilities of the leaders, potential to predict the risk of disease, and open information receptivity of the leader which are all relevant on the decision-making process. These factors can be explained in variance of the decision-making process on COVID-19 pandemic for 59.1% (R2=0.591, F= 23.139, P<0.01). Moreover, there are statistical relationships to respond COVID-19 pandemic crisis of the local administrative organization such as the ability to make a decision of the leaders, a perception of the disease’s stages, a number of populations, an open information receptivity of the leaders, and connecting through external network. These factors are shown on variance of the response to crisis for 44.8% (R2= 0.448, F= 12.970, P<0.01).

The research proposes three significant policy recommendation. Firstly, small and middle-level local government organizations should have sections and tasks relating to public health prevention, and also promote the crisis situation at the community level. Secondly, there should have an operational system/ mechanism, particularly on regulations and practice guidelines to deal with crisis. Lastly, there must have knowledge of the development crisis’s management, emphasizing on personal quality development based on data and well-prepared performance.

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How to Cite
Koment, J., & Panyadee, C. (2023). Decision-Making Model and Response to Crisis of Local Administrative Organizations in Upper Northern Thailand.: Case of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 20(3), 5–33. Retrieved from
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