Identity and Political Rights of LGBTQ in Myanmar

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Atchima Sangrat


Myanmar has been attempting political reforms since 2011 to become a democratic country. During the 2010s, Myanmar has embarked on many aspects, including the rights of LGBTQ with more space and identity. However, in 2020, the Myanmar army seized power, causing Myanmar to return to a military dictatorship. This study is a documentary research that aims to study the definition and the role of LGBTQ and their political movements. It also seeks to analyze the rights and identities of the LGBTQ community in Thailand and the group's rights advocacy, accompanying the country's fight for democracy. The short-term period of the democratic process in Myanmar has shown clearly the role, rights, and identities of LGBTQ. Therefore, they call for amendments to the law and their role in politics. So, Myanmar has become a dictatorship again; the LGBTQ groups will stand up to fight for democracy in Myanmar.

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How to Cite
Sangrat, A. (2023). Identity and Political Rights of LGBTQ in Myanmar. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 21(2), 60–78. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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