Monitoring of Gender Equality Policy of Political Parties in National Thailand Election 2023

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Apinya Tissamana


This article focuses on analyzing the gender equality policy and the potential of integrating the policy into the campaign of Thai political parties in the context of the 2023 election. The analysis contains the related factors to promote the policy and the deterioration of the gender equality policy in the context of the 2023 election. A concrete process to enable the gender equality policy requires research for relevant content while people in society are prepared to pursue the agenda in the political context. When discussing the policy related to genders, social perspectives, and traditions, there are various levels of perception among people of different ages. People in society must engage in discussion to lead to a mutual understanding. Since political transitions can alter the direction of the gender equality policy, the interaction between the "laws" and the "government policies" is examined to find the concrete factors to integrate all sectors into pursuing the policy continually and sustainably.

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How to Cite
Tissamana, A. . (2023). Monitoring of Gender Equality Policy of Political Parties in National Thailand Election 2023. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 21(2), 5–21. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biography

Apinya Tissamana, Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok’s institute




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