Factors Affecting the Performance of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Office
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This research employs a mixed methodological approach to study the factors influencing the performance of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Office. The sample groups are government officials and personnel at organizational and district levels, totalling 895 individuals. Data was collected using questionnaires, statistical analysis, and the Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) method to examine the significant relationships among variables. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 8 Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Office managers. The analysis of variable relationships reveals that every factor is significantly related to all components of each factor at a statistical significance level of 0.01. These factors include: 1) leadership change readiness 2) organizational climate, and 3) good membership behavior. The hypothesis testing results indicate that organizational climate and membership behavior significantly influence organizational and district performance. However, leadership change readiness only significantly impacts the performance at the organizational unit level, not at the district office level.
The in-depth interviews with key informants unanimously emphasize the importance of variables within the framework of all three factors for generating performance at the organizational and district levels. The additional insights provided by the informants are as follows:
- Leadership change readiness comprises three components:
1.1) Ethics and morality 1.2) Exemplary role modelling 1.3) Competence in leadership
- Organizational climate consists of two components:
2.1) Commitment to systems and management mechanisms.
2.2) Sense of stability in work and professional growth.
- Good membership behavior in the district context encompasses four components:
3.1) Knowledge and skill development 3.2) Teamwork commitment 3.3) Positive attitude 3.4) Proactive work approach
In summary, each of these additional insights plays a crucial role in the performance of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Office, contributing to developing and enhancing leadership potential for administrators at all levels.
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