The Collaborative Governance for Digital Transformation in Thailand’s Healthcare System

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Phraeowanid Thananon


In order to improve the quality of health services through digital technology, it needs to create connectivity and interoperability throughout the system, facilitating effective public health care. Therefore, cross-organizational collaboration of related government agencies, i.e. the Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, and the Digital Government Development Agency, is crucial. This study aims to 

1) Investigate the management process of multi-sectoral collaborative governance in digitalizing Thailand's healthcare system

2) Investigate the elements of multi-sectoral collaboration across organizational boundaries and 

3) Investigate the problems and obstacles of multi-sectoral collaborative governance in digitalizing Thailand's healthcare system.

The study found that multi-sectoral collaboration in digitalizing healthcare systems needs an effective collaborative governance depending on the collaborative governance process (system context and drivers, collaboration across organizational boundaries), multi-sectoral collaboration elements across organizational boundaries (starting condition, actors and role play, and facilitated leadership), and experienced barriers at the individual, organizational, and policy levels, particularly conflict of interests. Eventually, it leads to competition rather than collaboration due to the asymmetry of the context and the driving mechanism: a weak government and a lack of political instability resulting in insufficient power that facilitates continuous collaboration until change occurs.

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How to Cite
Thananon, P. (2024). The Collaborative Governance for Digital Transformation in Thailand’s Healthcare System. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 22(1), 31–63. Retrieved from
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