Integration into the Policy Agenda and Delivery of Emergency Medical Services by the Songkhla Provincial Emergency Call and Dispatch Center

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Patipan Sreepon


This research article aims to examine the background of the inclusion of the Emergency Medical Service Policy Agenda, focusing on a case study of the Medical Emergency Call and Dispatch Center in Songkhla Province. The study employs qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews and documentary analysis, and utilizes John Kingdon's theoretical framework for analysis. Content analysis was conducted as part of the data analysis, and narrative synthesis was used to present the findings. The results of the study were as follows: Problem Streams include social issues within Songkhla Province, challenges and obstacles during operational activities, personnel transfers and resignations, budget constraints, and the use of technology in operations. Political Streams encompass support from the national emergency medical institution, local government policies, backing from local entrepreneurs, and inter-group relationships among decision-makers in Songkhla Province. Policy Streams involve legal authority, support from the national emergency medical institution, and aspects of public administration. When these various issues converge within a supportive environment, they lead to the approval of transferring emergency medical responsibilities to the Songkhla Provincial Administration Organization. This decision was formalized with the establishment of the emergency medical organization in Songkhla Province in the year 2559 B.E. (2016 C.E.), alongside the founding of the center at the designated Songkhla Provincial Administration Organization location. It is recommended that: 1) the policy trends informing the policy agenda be developed into a practical manual to facilitate the transfer of emergency medical services to other provincial offices; 2) the emergency medical services policy be integrated into local development plans; and 3) during the initial stages prior to the transfer, a politically sensitive approach should be adopted to engage and build trust among stakeholders, fostering understanding and support for the transition of emergency medical responsibilities from the Provincial Public Health Office to the Songkhla Provincial Administrative Organization.

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How to Cite
Sreepon, P. (2025). Integration into the Policy Agenda and Delivery of Emergency Medical Services by the Songkhla Provincial Emergency Call and Dispatch Center. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 22(3), 170–204. retrieved from
Research Articles


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