Advances in ChatGPT and Behavioral Science Research: Applications, Benefits, Risks, and Ethical Issues in Research


  • Krittipat Chuenphitthayavut Lecturer at Behavioral Science Research Institute, Srinakharinwirot University


ChatGPT, behavioral science research, prompt engineering, ethical issues in research, ChatGPT, Behavioral science research, Prompt engineering, Ethical issues in research, Artificial intelligence


The advancement of ChatGPT, or artificial intelligence chatbots that provide automatic answering of various questions, has been gaining attention and trial until it became a topic of discussion and communication in society. It also affects human behavior, academic studies, and research in behavioral science. The author therefore presents this academic article to introduce the characteristics of ChatGPT and its use in behavioral science research that can help facilitate research work more conveniently, quickly, and efficiently, in addition to writing academic articles and research articles as generally known. ChatGPT is also useful for many other research applications, from starting to find research issues or problems, studying literature reviews, finding approaches to research, analyzing data, summarizing, and writing research reports. Prompt engineering is a key element in enabling ChatGPT to receive commands and respond accurately according to the user's needs. However, the use may be risky for users to consider due to the reliability and validity of the results, expenses and investment budget, user privacy, and especially ethical issues related to honesty and transparency in writing research reports that do not extract from ChatGPT responses to use in their own writings or make unethical inquiries, which pose a risk to both the user and general people in society. The adaptation and adoption of ChatGPT technology advancements are topics of future behavioral science research that should be explored.


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How to Cite

Chuenphitthayavut, K. (2023). Advances in ChatGPT and Behavioral Science Research: Applications, Benefits, Risks, and Ethical Issues in Research. The Periodical of Behavioral Science, 29(2), 154–173. Retrieved from