Results from using Google Classroom Financial Report Analysis Course For undergraduate students Bachelor of Technology Program Department of Accounting

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อรทัยภ์ ทำมา


          The  research  objectives  were:  1)  Compare  achievement  in  financial  reporting  analysis  course  through  Google  Classroom  for  the  2nd  year  undergraduate  students  in  Accounting  for  the  academic  year  2019  2)  To  study  the  satisfaction  of  the  2nd  year  undergraduate  students  in  Accounting  for  the  academic  year  2019,  towards  teaching  and  learning  through  Google  Classroom.  This  research  was  an  experimental  research  (Quasi  experimental  research)  in  group  one  Pretest-Posttest  Designs.  It  compared  the  learning  achievement  before  and  after  learning  from  teaching  and  learning management  by  using  Google  Classroom.  There  were  18  undergraduate  students  in  Accounting  for  the  academic  year  2019.  The  instruments  used  for  gathering  data  were  :  1)  lessons  on  financial  report  analysis  2)  achievement  test  to  find  content  validity  from  3  experts  and  the  average  was  0.88  and  3)  the  questionnaire  for  collecting  students’  satisfaction  of  Google  Classroom.

     The  research  results  were  found  that  :  1)  The  student’s  achievement  after  learning  by  using  the  Google  Classroom  in  financial  report  analysis  course  was  significant  higher  than  that  before  at  0.01  level.  2)  The  students  indicated  their  overall  satisfaction  toward  teaching  and  learning  through  Google  Classroom  at  the  highest  level.  (gif.latex?\bar{x}  =  4.52,  S.D.  =  0.67).

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How to Cite
ทำมา อ. (2020). Results from using Google Classroom Financial Report Analysis Course For undergraduate students Bachelor of Technology Program Department of Accounting. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 4(2), 37–44. retrieved from
Research Articles


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