Creation and Efficiency of Lavatory for Overweight People

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Wirach Wiriyalai


The objectives of this research were to : 1) create and meet efficiency of the lavatory function for overweight people and 2) survey the users’ satisfactions toward the lavatory for overweight people. Thepopulation consisted of 10 elderly; Chalermrajakumari nursing home and Wat Wangkanaitajikaram with body mass index (BMI) over 25 (overweight). The research instrument was questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation.

The results of this research were as follows : 1)  The lavatory for overweight users were effectively with a strong structure, noncorrosive, maximum load of 200 kilograms, use with a toilet bowl or squatter, electric power from batteries for safety and a backup electricity system.  2)  The overall satisfactions toward using the lavatory were at high level.

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How to Cite
Wiriyalai, W. (2017). Creation and Efficiency of Lavatory for Overweight People. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 1(2), 60–65. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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