Participation in activities of Students’ Suphanburi Vocational College

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Rerngsak Khemtong


This  research  was  study  the  participation in  activities  of  students’  Suphanburi  Vocational College  found  that  the  respondents  were women  more  than  men.  Most  of  them  were students  at  the  certificate  level.  The  organizing activities  of  the  college  were  overall  at  the  highest  level.  Considered  each  aspects, found  that the  overall  average  score  of  4.63  at  the highest.  Participation  in  design  of  organizing activities  with  the  mean  score  of  4.98  at  the highest  level.  The  activity  supervisor  had  a role  and  participated  in  the  organization  of  the  activities  of  the  full  capacity  with  the mean  score  of  4.38  at  high  level.

Student  studied  opinions  on  project organization  of  Suphanburi  Vocational  College that  the  overall  opinion  average  score  of  4.40 at  high  level.  Considered  each  aspects  with the  highest  average  level  of  opinion  is  the invention  contest  project  from  waste  items  and  the  professional  project  contest  (Project) according  to  the  course  had  an  average  of 5.00  at  the  highest  level.  The  items  with  the lowest  average  opinion  level  were  other projects  that  supports  the  development  plan, promotes  creativity  had  the  mean  of  4.00.

The  result  of  this  study  were  as  follows  :  1)  The  participation  of  students’  Suphanburi Vocational  College  was  the  highest  level  2)  The students’  opinion  towards  the  project  activities  of Suphanburi  Vocational  College  were  at  a  high level  which  consisted  of  3  parts  :  Invention contest  project  from  waste  items, the professional  project  contest  (Project)  and  the study  tour  ware  an  average  of  5.00  and  3)  Plans  that  need  to  be  improved  for  the organization  of  student  activities  are:  the project  to  promote  religious  activities  had  an average  of  3.39  at  high  level.

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How to Cite
Khemtong, R. (2018). Participation in activities of Students’ Suphanburi Vocational College. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 2(1), 70–75. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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