Studying the right amount of Oregano in the Papaya Sauce for frying

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Pornthep Klindaeng
Somphop Utsaha
Yanumart Kongroryou
Rattanan Saiyngsanua


This  research  aimed  to  put  some oregano  into  the  papaya  sauce  for  fried  and  to  study  the  consumers’  satisfaction.  In  this  research, the  samples  consisted  of 60  teachers  and  students  in  Suphanburi  Vocational  College. The  instruments  used  in  the  research  were  the  sensory  tests  (the  9-point  Hedonic  Scale  on  each  factor), the  data  analysis  were  mean  and  standard deviation.

The  results  were  as  follows  :  1)  the  samples  were  the  most  accepted  in  the  Papaya  Sauce  Recipe  for  Stir  2)  the  samples  were  the  most  accepted  the  most  in  9.55 grams  of  oregano  3)  the  texture,  taste  and  toughness  were  7.95  (0.83),  7.58  (1.22), 7.78  (7.83).  8.01  (0.78), 8.12  (0.91), respectively  and  4)  the  consumers’  satisfaction  were  the  highest  for  fried  papaya  sauce.

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How to Cite
Klindaeng, P., Utsaha, S., Kongroryou, Y., & Saiyngsanua, R. (2018). Studying the right amount of Oregano in the Papaya Sauce for frying. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 2(2), 69–73. Retrieved from
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