Application of Project-Based Learning Activities for Special Talents Students in Science and Mathematics

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Juree Tupwong


The  research  objectives  were:  1)  To  study  fundamental  of  the  activity  on  Project based  learning  2) To  develop  of  the  activity  on  project-based  learning  for  special  Talent  Students  in  Science  and  Mathematics  3)  To apply  the  activities  on  Project-based  learning for  special  Talent  Students  in  Science  and  Mathematics  4)  To  evaluate  and  the  activity on  Project-based  learning.  The  samples  groups  of  this  research  comprised  of  40  students  from  school  of  the  Basic  Education  Commission  in  Chonburi  province  and  nearby through  specific  sampling.

One  Group  Pretest-Posttest  Design  was  employed  in  this  study  on  four  days  training.  Research  instruments  were  training  curriculum  on  project  based  learning, pretest – posttest  knowledge  and  comprehension  tests, skill  valuation  form  and  behavior  evaluation  form,  questionnaires  and  performance  project  based  learning.  The  statistical  analysis  employed  were  percentage, mean, standard  deviation,  t-test dependent  and  content  analysis.

The  results  of  this  research  were  as  follow:

1)  The  activity  on  project  based  learning  required  various  activities, explicit  evaluation  and  modern  training  media.

2)  The  activity  on  project-based  learning  consisted  of  contents  6  units  were : 1)  The  ideas  of  project-based  learning,  2) FAILA Model  Principles, 3)  Basic  of  innovation,  4)  Activities  on  project, 5)  Show  and  Share, 6)  Evaluation  learning.

3)  The  activity  on  project  based  learning  were  implementing  with  a  group  of  40  students  from  school  of  The  Basic  Education  Commission  in  Chonburi  province  and  nearby  paid  attention  to  training  activities project.

4)  As  the  result  of  the  evaluation  and  improvement  of  the  activity  on  project  based  learning, it  was  revealed  that  the  students’  comprehension  scores  on  project  based  learning  before  and  after  being  trained  by  using  the  training  curriculum  were  statistically  significant  different  at  0.01  level.  The  students  evaluated  knowledge  was  strongly  agree  level
and  opinion  of  training  curriculum  on  project  based  learning  were  strongly  level.  The  result  evaluation  of  skill  were  strongly  level  and  behavior  in  project  were  good.

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How to Cite
Tupwong, J. (2019). Application of Project-Based Learning Activities for Special Talents Students in Science and Mathematics. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 3(2), 10–16. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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