Success Factors for Small and Medium Enterprises in Rayong Province

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Yongyut Srisawat
Rawadee Surisrapun
Juraluk Furunoe
Wit Makawarakul
Sakol Sriwanta
Napath Jantrarom


The purpose of this research to study : 1. The factors on entrepreneurship of Entrepreneur for small and medium enterprises 2. The entrepreneurship success of entrepreneur for small and medium enterprises and 3.Factors related to the successful of small and medium enterprises in Rayong Province. The data were collected from 178 Entrepreneur for small and medium enterprises who registered with Rayong municipality. Questionnaires were used in the study which analyzed by using statistical program of 5 level rating scale with significant level was rated at 0.97. The data were analyzed by statistics such as mean and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by pearson product moment correlation coefficient, and t-test. The result show that : The successful of small and medium enterprises in Rayong province had overall opinion about factors on entrepreneurship at high level which can be ranked from the highest to the lowest as follows: the aspects of leadership, leaning, motivation, creative thinking, goal setting  and planning respectively.

The successful of small and medium enterprises in Rayong province had overall opinion about the entrepreneurship success of entrepreneur for small and medium enterprises at high level in overall aspects which can be ranked from the lowest as follows: the aspects of Internal process , learning and growth customer and financial respectively.

The result of relationship analysis demonstrated that factors on the entrepreneurship and the successful of entrepreneur for small and medium enterprises in Rayong province were comparatively related in high level between 0.209 to 0.841 with statistical significance at 0.01. The top three highest related pairs were as follow; factors on entrepreneurship (X) in the aspects of goal setting (X1) and the entrepreneurship success (Y) in the aspects of customer (Y2) were comparatively related in high level (rX1Y2 = 0.841), factors on entrepreneurship (X) in the aspects of Leadership (X4)and the entrepreneurship success (Y) in the aspects of Internal process (Y3) were comparatively related in rather high level (rX4Y3 = 0.718), and factors on entrepreneurship (X) in the aspects of leaning (X5) and the entrepreneurship success (Y) in the aspects of customer (Y2) were comparatively related in high level (rX3Y2 = 0.697), respectively.

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How to Cite
Srisawat, Y., Surisrapun, R., Furunoe, J., Makawarakul, W., Sriwanta, S., & Jantrarom, N. (2021). Success Factors for Small and Medium Enterprises in Rayong Province. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 5(1), 77–85. Retrieved from
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