Administrative Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of The School Administration of Schools Expanding Educational Opportunities in Accordance with Educational Policy 4.0 under the Trat Primary Educational Service Area Office

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Nanthawan Seemadue
Supannee Samarnyat
Sarayuth Sethakhajorn


     This  research aimed to :1)   study  the   effectiveness of educational institution  administration,  2)  study  the  level  of  administrative  factors  affecting  the  effectiveness  of  the  school  administration,  and  3)  purpose  guidelines  for  the  development  of  administrative  factors  affecting  the  effectiveness  of  the  school's  administration,  expanding  opportunities  according  to  the  Education  Policy  4.0  under  the  Trat  Primary  Educational  Service  Area  Office.  Research  tools  were   using  a  mixed  study  during  and  quantitative  research  the  tool  this  research  was  a  questionnaire.  The  sample  groups  used  in  this  research  are  school  administrators  and  school  teachers  expanding  educational  opportunities.  Under  the  office  of  Trat  Primary Education  Area,  the  Year  2019  201  participants. The  statistics  used  in  the  data  analysis  were  frequency, percentage,  mean,  standard  deviation,  and  multiple  regression  analysis.  The  Quantitative  research  the  tool for  this  research  was  an  interview  form.  The  key  informants  were  school  administrators  and  teachers, totaling  10  people.

The  results  of  the  study  showed  that:

     1) The  effectiveness  of  school  administration  for expanding  educational  opportunities   according  to the  Education  Policy  4.0  under  the  Trat  Primary Educational  Service  Area  Office.  Overall,  it  was  at  a  high  level.  However,  when  considering  each  aspect,  it  was  found  that  there  were  2  aspects  of  the  effectiveness of  educational  institution  administration  at  the  highest  level,  namely  academic administration and personnel management  Other  than  that,   it   was   at  a  very  high  level.

     2) The  six  administrative  factors  affecting  the  effectiveness  of  school  administration  for  expanding educational  opportunities  according  to  the  Education  Policy  4.0  under  the  Trat  Primary  Education  Service Area  Office  and  student  factors  affecting  the  effectiveness  of  school  administration  for  expanding  educational opportunities  according  to  the  Education  Policy  4.0  under  the  Trat  Primary Educational Service  Area  Office  with  statistically  significant  at  a  level of 0.05.

     3)  Guidelines for the  development  of  administrative  factors  affecting  the  effectiveness  of  the  school's administration,  expanding  educational  opportunities  according  to  the  Education  Policy  4.0  under  the  Trat  Primary  Educational  Service  Area  Office,  it  was  found  that  there  should  be  activities  to  promote education personnel and administrators.  Collaborate,  have  shared  opinions,  and  formulate curational  policies by  the  national  development  and  the  changes  of  the  current  world  According   to   Education  Policy  4.0.

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How to Cite
Seemadue, N., Samarnyat, S., & Sethakhajorn, S. (2022). Administrative Factors Affecting The Effectiveness of The School Administration of Schools Expanding Educational Opportunities in Accordance with Educational Policy 4.0 under the Trat Primary Educational Service Area Office. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(1), 79–89. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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