The Development of the Accumulated Knowledge for Repairing and Creating the Great Buddha Statues in Royal Attire for the Passing of Knowledge and Skills in Royal Goldsmithing to the Next Generations

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Peerayot Kaewpanya
Piya Korachotjintanakarn
Teerayut Boonyasopon
Worapoj Sriwongkol


The development of the content from the accumulated knowledge for repairing and creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire in order to pass knowledge and skills in royal goldsmithing to the next generations comprises of 2 phases of operation. Phase 1 started with determining the organization of the content from the accumulated knowledge for repairing and creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire. The accumulation of knowledge was conducted in documentary form comprising of 4 parts of the content including 1) the accumulation of knowledge on the jewelry’s pattern design for repairing the Great Buddha statue in royal attire in case the original work exists 2) the accumulation of knowledge on the jewelry’s pattern design for creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire 3) the accumulation of knowledge on the process of analyzing materials and technical techniques for repairing the Great Buddha statue in royal attire and 4) the accumulation of knowledge on the jewelry creation for repairing and creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire.

Phase 2 started with submitting the results of the accumulation of knowledge in documentary form to 7 experts in repairing the royal fine arts for evaluation with the evaluation results of the 4 parts consisting of 1) the evaluation results of the overall appropriateness on the accumulation of knowledge on jewelry’s pattern design for repairing the Great Buddha statue in royal attire in case the original work exists were at the highest level (gif.latex?\mu =5.00) 2) the evaluation results of the overall appropriateness on the accumulation of knowledge on jewelry’s pattern design for creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire were at the highest level (gif.latex?\mu = 5.00) 3) the evaluation results of the overall appropriateness on the accumulation of knowledge on the process of analyzing materials and technical techniques for repairing the Great Buddha statue in royal attire were at the highest level (gif.latex?\mu =4.85) and 4) the evaluation results of the overall appropriateness on the accumulation of knowledge on the jewelry creation for repairing and creating the Great Buddha statue in royal attire were at the highest level (gif.latex?\mu =5.00).

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How to Cite
Kaewpanya, P., Korachotjintanakarn, P., Boonyasopon, T., & Sriwongkol, W. (2022). The Development of the Accumulated Knowledge for Repairing and Creating the Great Buddha Statues in Royal Attire for the Passing of Knowledge and Skills in Royal Goldsmithing to the Next Generations. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(1), 50–58. Retrieved from
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