Learning and Instruction Model for Enhance Quality Administration Dual Vocational Education of Bangpakong Industrial and Community Education College Chachoengsao Province

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Juree Tupwong


     The purpose of this research was 1) to study the condition of Administration Dual Vocational Education of Bangpakong Industrial and Community Education College 2) to create Learning and Instruction Model 3) to apply the guidance of Learning0and instruction Model for implementation 4) to assess the appropriate and possible of Learning and Instruction Model. The population consisted of Administrator, teachers and trainers, experts for Focus group and evaluated suitability and flexibility. Tools consist of the questionnaire, the recording form of the focus group, reporting the achievement, the analysis of the information by percentage, average, Standard Deviation, and the analysis of the content.

     The results of the evaluation revealed that:

     1. Condition of Administration Dual Vocational Education of Bangpakong Industrial and Community Education College was the moderate level.

     2. To create Learning and Instruction Model have 5 aspects, evaluation suitability and flexibility of model were at the highest level.

     3. Result of model to practice satisfied and the results of knowledge and learning at the highest level.

     4. To assess of Learning and Instruction Model 4.1) The Quality students in Standard of Dual Vocational Education in 3 competencies overall were at the highest level. 4.2) The opinions of administrators, teachers and trainers of Model in overall were at the highest level.4.3) The satisfaction of trainers in overall were at highest level. 4.4) The success of students was 90.91% in company and 9.09 at study graduate program.

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How to Cite
Tupwong, J. (2022). Learning and Instruction Model for Enhance Quality Administration Dual Vocational Education of Bangpakong Industrial and Community Education College Chachoengsao Province. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(1), 24–33. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IVECJournal/article/view/254663
Research Articles


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