The Strategies for Strengthening Vocational Learning Management in Business and Services using Digital Technology

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Niti Nachit


     The general purpose of this research was to develop the strategies for strengthening vocational learning management in business and services using digital technology. There were 5 phases of research methodology. A study current conditions, problems, and factors for strengthening vocational learning management in business and services using digital technology, A develop the strategies, A try out the strategies, A assess the use of the strategies, A provide a policy recommendation. The instruments were consisted of recording form, interview form, group conversation recording form, assessment form and questionnaire. by calculating the mean standard deviation and content analysis. The findings of developing the strategies for strengthening vocational learning management in business and services using digital technology showed the components of vision, mission, objectives, and goals. There were 4 main strategies with 16 indicators, 11 strategies, and 13 projects. Correlation and relationship0were0found0significant.

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How to Cite
Nachit, N. (2022). The Strategies for Strengthening Vocational Learning Management in Business and Services using Digital Technology. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 6(1), 10–23. Retrieved from
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