Guidelines for Developing a Homestay Cultural Village in NongKhai Province

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Atsadawut Phokaphanich
Natthapol Siriponpisuth
Tharika Suwannasri
Napaporn Taraartorn
Paravee Kaewmaneechai
Pakyada Na Nongkhai


The researcher studied the development of a homestay cultural village in Nong Khai Province. The objectives were 1) to study the current situation in the management of a homestay cultural village in Nong Khai homestay cultural village in Nong Khai Province. This research using the qualitative research methods, which applied the surveys, structured and semi - structured interviews, and participatory observation. The tudy was conducted from a sample of 103 people by using the Crazy and Morgan tables. Province and 2) to study the guidelines for developing a homestay cultural village in Nong Khai Province. This research using the qualitative research methods , which applied the surveys, structured and semi - structured interviews, and participatory observation. The study was conducted from a sample of 103 people by using the Crazy and Morgan tables.

The results of the research studied the current situation in the development of a homestay cultural village of Baan Sikai Nua, Sikai Sub - district, Mueang District, Nong Khai Province. It was found that the accommodation aspect was developed into a homestay cultural village with aim to allowing the tourists to participate, learn and exchange cultures with the villagers. In terms of food and nutrition aspect, it was found that the homestay cultural village provide local food and local services which focusing on Isan culture in Nong Khai Province. Regarding to local culture and traditions aspect, it was found that homestay cultural village focus on promoting Isan culture and tradition, especially “Bai Sri Su Khwan”. For natural resources and environment aspect found that the terrain is adjacent to the Mekong River. There are many interesting natural attractions. Regarding to the public relations management aspect, it was found that Ban Seekai Nuea Homestay Cultural Village, Nong Khai Province known for supernatural phenomena "Naga Fireballs" through word of mouth, and publicizing information through various media. Guidelines for the development of a cultural homestay in Baan Sikai Nuea village, Sikai Sub - district, Mueang District, Nong Khai Province. It was found that the accommodation section had a separate bedroom from the owner's house. The accommodation has been kept clean with clean mattresses and appliances. They received training from the government on food and nutrition. By focusing on simple local food, culture and traditions. The villagers organize a Bai Sri Su Kwan ceremony, folk performance and jointly make merit and give alms to monks in the morning with tourists on natural resources and environment The village has a natural tourism atmosphere along the beautiful Mekong River. You can take a boat ride to see the atmosphere of the Mekong River and watch fish farming. The public relations management of the homestay group has encouraged the use of a variety of public relations media with public relations through Facebook and YouTube.

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How to Cite
Phokaphanich, A., Siriponpisuth, N., Suwannasri, T., Taraartorn, N., Kaewmaneechai, P., & Na Nongkhai, P. (2023). Guidelines for Developing a Homestay Cultural Village in NongKhai Province. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 7(1), 89–95. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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