Confirmatory Factor for Logistics Capabilities of Delivery Logistics Service Providers

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Chaipisit Tewsoiy
Pakaporn Phongthong


This study aimed to study logistics capability and confirmatory component analysis as well as checking the consistency between the component structure and the empirical data of logistics capabilities of delivery logistics service providers in Muang District, Suphan Buri Province. The sample was 385 logistics delivery service providers. The questionnaire was used as a tool used to collect data. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and confirmatory component analysis. The results showed that logistics capabilities of delivery logistics service providers at a high level. There are 5 components of logistics capability, namely customer service demand forecasting, purchasing, order management and transportation. The results of the second-order confirmatory analysis revealed that the model was consistent with the empirical data. The delivery logistics service provider must strictly follow the service conditions agreed with the company and customers, have a proper understanding of the form of service, verify the delivery of the goods from the store in perfect and correct condition. It's important to build a good relationship with the merchants that serve it and the pickup from the store must be fast. Deliver the product on time, in the right place, in full quantity and on time by planning and organizing the most cost-effective transportation routes. Give importance to the protection of the product from damage before delivery to the customer. Ready to provide service with willingness. Standardized service under the terms of the company and the agreement with customers with a proper understanding of the form of service as well as being. Able to handle urgent orders of customers with ready-to-service motorcycles with smart phones equipped with a fast and always-ready Internet system.

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How to Cite
Tewsoiy, C., & Phongthong, P. (2024). Confirmatory Factor for Logistics Capabilities of Delivery Logistics Service Providers. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(1), 38–48. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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