Construction and Efficiency Determination of Hot Air Dryer Community Enterprise Level Production

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Sanya Phowong
Prachyanun Nilsook
Wirat Asawanuwat
Sugunya Suksatan
Theppharot Anansungnoen
Sarawut Suebyaem


The objectives of this research were 1) to construct a hot air dryer. For drying materials such as fruits and herbs produced at the community enterprise level, and 2) studying the performance of a hot air dryer by drying mango pulp the design of the researcher used A stainless steel construction material nd selected gas (LPG) for heat generation. And uses A 18 - inch impeller fan driven by a 1/3 - horsepower motor, using an axial - flow installation principle which is characterized by low wind power to circulate heat and vent moisture well the temperature can be controlled at 40 - 80 °C with a digital display electronic system that is easy to use. In the experiment, the mango stir - fry was baked at 40, 50, 60, and 70 °C, respectively. The experiment was repeated 3 times to find the mean. The research results showed that 1) The result from the mango preserve drying experiment was able to pack more than 100 kilograms of mango preserves / time. It meets the needs of community enterprises and 2) the performance of the hot air dryer takes an average drying time of 4 hours with a temperature of 60 degrees. Analysis of the break - even point in engineering economics. The cost of building a hot air dryer is 200,000 baht, with variable costs such as the cost of drying mangoes equal to 1.8575 baht / kg. The production capacity of the hot air dryer can produce 200 kg per time, 4 hours at a cost of 75 baht / kg. 150 baht per unit, it was found that the break - even point was 2,667 kilograms. The payback period of the hot air dryer Able to pay back the investment within 7 days

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How to Cite
Phowong, S., Nilsook, P., Asawanuwat, W., Suksatan, S., Anansungnoen, T., & Suebyaem, S. (2023). Construction and Efficiency Determination of Hot Air Dryer Community Enterprise Level Production. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 7(2), 70–78. retrieved from
Research Articles


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