The Design of Women’s Clothes Plus Size

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Jidapa Sarachue
Jaratpim Wangyen


Clothing design for plus size women. The objectives are 1) to design clothing for plus size women and 2) to study satisfaction with the styles of plus size women's clothing. This research has studied information related to the body's shape. Psychology of plus size women clothing design and fashion trends in 2024, then analyzed to design 3 collections of plus size women's clothing, 6 sets each, and then create prototype products into 1 collection, 6 sets, Which Use Oceana's story as inspiration for designing plus size clothing styles, color shades, fabric types, and clothing decoration techniques. Satisfaction was studied from a sample of 50 plus-size women aged 25-40 years using purposive sampling method, analyzing data using statistics, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. The results of the study showed that most plus-size women are aged 25-29 years old, have a bachelor's degree, a company employee occupation, and have a monthly income of 15,001-20,000 baht. This is followed by type 3 and type 5 with the same average of 4.60, type 4 with an average of 4.53, type 2 with an average of 4.30, and type 1 with an average of 4.18, respectively.

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How to Cite
Sarachue, J., & Wangyen, J. (2024). The Design of Women’s Clothes Plus Size. Vocational Education Central Region Journal, 8(2), 52–58. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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